Chronic Fatigue or Exhaustion - Regaining Health

When clients present with any form of repeated exhaustion or recurring, exaggerated fatigue, they have often endured prolonged exposure to situations that were knowingly draining, distressing or impoverished but which they were unable to leave or change for the better. In many cases the client is still in that situation when starting therapy and looking for relief from their chronic exhaustion. These conditions feel like a bottomless need for rest, interrupted by monumental efforts to carry out essential activities. Any bursts of clear energy are quickly used up & followed by burn out again. Clients often see their condition as almost hopeless and medically untreatable, while looking for that one thing that will suddenly and permanently restore them. The path to regaining health is found somewhere in between these two myths. I believe there are two essential keys to unlocking this condition and returning to freedom and vitality on an ongoing basis, both of which are part of the Pathway Balancing philosophy of healing and personal development. The keys are awareness and pacing. The lack or loss of these keys will lead to the onset of fatigue states in the first place, but gaining hold of them can release the upward, spiralling flow of energy and health again. The first key to grasp is a moment by moment awareness of embodied energy: posture, tension, temperature, thirst, hunger, sleepiness, irritability etc. This empowers you to make the best choices in how to nurture and utilise your resources. So if you feel like curling up on the sofa, you can choose to head off there now, or do what you need to in preparation for taking that rest as soon as possible. This is where pacing comes in. Without awareness that energies are flagging, there won't be time to prepare before some form of collapse happens. Exhaustion can come from inner voices that tell us we're not good enough, from feelings of fear or a mental focus on lack. All of these are lies and need to be displaced by contact with the Divine source, often through people who are living in contact with this Divine source and who can support us in finding the truth and the Way to paradise in the land of the living. External support is vital to restoring health when coming out of chronic fatigue or a period of nervous exhaustion. Pathway Balancing craniosacral therapy is relaxing and revitalising & provides a space to talk or to just let go for a while. Our nutritional supplements are imported from the USA and can be taken for strengthening between appointments. If you've been running on adrenaline, 2 x capsules of 'Master Gland' mornings & early evenings, can feed and rebuild adrenal functioning. To keep nerves soothed and stoked with nutrients during the day, take 2 x tablets of 'NutriCalm' at breakfast, lunch & evening meals. To wind down towards better sleep, take 2 capsules of 'Hops & Valerian' between 9pm -10pm.  Plan at least one whole day a month of complete bedrest and/or curling up on sofa. Have an oasis of rest and/or treats scheduled into every day. Most important of all, give yourself that most precious and irreplaceable of commodities - time.       Corrina Kennedy, Peterborough.

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To book an appointment for craniosacral therapy, call 01733 555 133. To order your supplements visit our webshop and browse through the A-Z section.

Balancing Energy to Focus on This Year's Goals

At the start of this new calendar year, new solar year & crescent moon phase, many of us are setting out with fresh determination to make positive changes by the end of 2012. To reach those goals we'll need to direct enough energy and attention into our plans if they are to become our reality. My teaching of Touch for Health 1 this weekend included a very clear demonstration of how we embody a different energy pattern in our muscles when we focus our mind on a set goal. The students then learnt how to set appropriate goals with their future clients, plus effective techniques for clearing and strengthening the persons energy for achieving those goals. And this is only the beginning of the skills and knowledge used by Pathway Balancing kinesiologists! The whole training weekend had an atmosphere of joy and the sense that there was nothing in the way of us making significant breakthroughs in  2012. It was a time of letting go of past limitations, sharing our dreams for a richer life and stepping into this new beginning. The energy work was relaxing and grounding, allowing space for change in a safe sanctuary with like-minded people. The foundation is being laid to give a stable base for growing success as the course, and the year, unfolds.        Corrina Kennedy, Peterborough.

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Touch for Health 2 is on Saturday & Sunday 25th & 26th February 2012. You will need a Touch for Health 1 Certificate, or 1:1 fast-track training at Pathway Balancing, to take part. To join us, reserve your place now by e-mailing

Healing the Soul, Healing the Body

This weekend I was beginning the Level 2 'Community' training for this year's Kinesiology Diploma course & our work & research focused on the two healing manuals, with new material being added to 'Healing the Soul'. Saturday's energy & awareness theme was 'stability' and revealed how emotional overwhelm can cause the soul to partly disembody, resulting in life going off-course, sometimes for many years or even decades. If the soul energy is not fully embodied, we can get stuck in disempowering situations, ending up burnt-out with chronic fatigue or as exhausted victims in abusive personal relationships. Navigation to a healthier place in the community means looking up and focusing on divine guidance, through books, spiritual awareness and caring relationships. As we find greater stability we can move to the next part of the process of healing within 'The Community'. On Sunday the theme of the work was 'stewarding our resources'. As life is getting back on track through the healing work of the Pathway Balancing system we need to carefully nurture our energy by taking supplements, knowing when to rest, taking control of our finances, clarifying our goals and developing the healthier personal & professional relationships around us. One of the powerful tools we used to guide us on the subjects of relationships & professional development was 'The Enlightenment Pack' of teaching cards, created by Chuck Spezzano. The cards that we tested for on the day enabled toxic soul ties to be released and clear, truthful, inspired direction to be revealed. After a weekend  of healing the body and soul, we were empowered to pull together the threads for weaving the dream life by embodying more of our souls energy & enjoying times of healthy, stable relationships.      Corrina Kennedy, Peterborough.

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The next Kinesiology Diploma Course opens to complete beginners with Touch for Health 1 Saturday & Sunday 28th/29th January 2012. E-mail now & pay on the day.

A Day of Soul Retrieval & Cutting Soul Ties

Last Saturday's Soul Journey Day had a different dynamic from previous Days, as we looked out on the start of 2012. Our little group soon settled into a cosy atmosphere, with bright winter sunshine streaming through the south-facing window and everyone snuggled into their tub chairs with soft blankets wrapped around legs. There was a sense of grounding, depth, rootedness and lively curiosity about the way ahead. Our initial group discussion revealed how much each of us had overcome on our personal soul journey to date. There was recognition of the accomplishments of each person and an awareness that much more was yet to come. There was a collective desire to 'get this stuff out there' because we recognised the profound effects that the power of Pathway Balancing had manifested in our own lives and we wanted more people to benefit from this work. As the group embarked in its Soul Journey for the Day, it was apparent that our energies & needs were all positive and good - both as individuals and collectively. We were centred in a sanctuary that held dazzling, priceless pearls of wisdom - a place that would feed us. A guided meditation session showed we had reduced our 'mountains to mounds', discovered a tower of strength and found the way home. This deepened into an exploration of the Conception Journey as the soul comes into embodiment. We opened soul energy Gateway 45 'Stability Produces the Richest of Relationships' and our work intensified into tracking back to earlier times in life that needed energy balancing. There was a session of soul retrieval - bringing back a part of the person that had lost it's sense of vocation in the past, but could now integrate and empower the person to go for their specific dream destination. There was a powerful time of removing soul ties - breaking attachments from a past relationship that was 'infecting' the present with false ideas and feelings, in order to release the truth of the good life in the present and a true sense of self-worth and value. The Day finished with each person having a unique 'To Do List' for nurturing and manifesting their purpose. There was a group balance for all those who are part of Pathway Balancing to keep an open heart and commit to leading Pathway Balancing forward this January. It was a clear and frosty night as everyone stepped out to bring their plans and purpose to fruition.

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Gain the power you need to move forward in your life by starting Touch for Health 1 on 28th/29th January 2012 or our next Soul Journey Day 10th March 2012. E-mail to reserve your place, then send your deposit for booking.

Divine Heart Guidance as the New Year Begins

The basis and centre of our lives will determine the way ahead for us this year and create the outcome of our efforts in 2012. The safest place to be is under the protective wings of the Divine heart. The Pathway Balancing system has been created through Divine guidance, to give answers and healing to those of us that seek God's guidance for the Way ahead. The therapy and training rooms here are the miraculous provision of a loving God and many of you will know the amazing ways this has happened during the past few years. In this sanctuary we have access to grace and guidance that heals our past, gives us comfort, joy and confidence for today, and directs our paths towards our uniquely conceived purpose on earth. This weekend (Saturday 14th January) will be the first Soul Journey Day of 2012 and this is a time of preparation, in the natural and supernatural, for those of us taking part. What are the messages coming from the Divine heart as we draw closer together for the workshop?

A major theme in the practice, as the year starts, is a need for rest, warmth and comfort during these long evenings and dark mornings, to prepare us well for the coming spring. There have also been powerful times of deliverance from destructive attachments and lies from the past, that would have sabotaged the emerging life of abundance and fulfilment ahead. Insecurities have been uprooted that came from erroneous beliefs about not being good enough. Fears, that actually belong to someone else, have been exposed and released. Ancestral patterns of neediness, rescuer mentality and stifled talents have been peacefully dissolved. The new patterns that are now building, ahead of our Soul Journey Day, are ones of greater stability and confidence. This is a time to let go of old strands still stuck to us from the past, a time to draw comfort from our material provisions, to soak in being with people that know and care about us. If we shift our centre to the Divine heart and sink into surrendering to the eternal presence of God, we will receive the support and guidance from above that can take us forward into the best year of our lives so far.

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Just 2 spaces left for this Saturday 14th January. Post your £20 deposit today to reserve your place and e-mail with your details now. Corrina.

How Has This Year Defined you?

My philosophy in working with clients, & in my own personal development, is that healing and growth come from the top down & the inside out. When we lack energy or awareness, life begins to compress us, causing us to contract or draw inwards, creating hardness, rigidity & pain. We may experience a lack of the things we need or desire. We can start to feel defined, or even limited, by our circumstances, events or other people. This is a place of disempowerment and often characterised by blame or complaining. Whenever we notice this happening it is a sign to redirect attention to our available resources and reconnect with power again. We need to call on the higher power of Divine love & provision and be refilled and redefined. As this year draws to a close, we can see how the experiences of the past year have defined us and shaped our life today. The 2011 winter solstice occurs at 5.30am Thurs 22nd December. This is the turning point for the sun's journey on our horizon and the defining moment of the natural year's end. What is coming to an end for you at this time? Can you look back & close the door on any unhealthy relationships, distressing events or self-sabotaging habits? When you've reached your limits in any situation, there may be a moment of fear, frustration or doubt. Stop and recognise that this is an edge that has defined you up to now. It's at the edge of our limits that we can surrender our trust to God. When we do this, the edges soften and as we listen, wait & act on Divine guidance, we can be re-defined and become more of the person we are meant to be. When we fill up with God's Holy Spirit, we are changed from the inside out. When this happens, life around us starts to transform. Whatever way this year has defined us, it is reaching completion as the nation heads into the Christmas holidays. The new beginning is on it's way. Are you ready?

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The Pathway Balancing system helps people to receive Divine guidance for the year ahead - individually or in small groups - to book an appointment, workshop place or for practitioner training call 01733 555 133 or e-mail

SJP4 - Power of the Heart - Dec 2011

This weekend was the first ever teaching of Soul Journey Practitioner 4 'Power of the Heart'. It was a profound experience to complete a course that didn't exist when we started out together. The first student made her initial enquiry in August 2007 and started training in March 2008 on the Touch for Health 1 course here. I first taught the original Pathway Balancing Kinesiology material in June 2005, so a course that was birthed on a summer solstice has come to completion around the time of the winter solstice. This Saturday was also a full moon, so many natural cycles co-incided with the fulfilment of a long-held vision. The Pathway Balancing Soul Journey structure is now complete and from here on will be consolidated and filled from the top down. Most of the weekend involved raising our awareness at the highest Transcendent Level - 'Completion of the Journey of the Soul'. With each of us gaining very specific insights as to the way ahead for the new year - everyone had a list of things to do as their next steps for realising their own personal vision, which was so empowering. While Saturday felt like a completion of our journey, Sunday became a time for new beginnings with new material being added to the newest manual in the Pathway Balancing collection - 'Healing the Soul'. There was a specific method of healing with colour that was added to the 'menu' in this new manual. Another subject added was 'Zeroing in on Divine Power', which really unlocked stuck energy to clear away many root causes of self-sabotaging patterns held in the mind, emotions and body. The weekend came to completion as we looked at an abstract painting by Corrina Kennedy called 'Turning Tide' and took in the power and beauty of the sparkling image. A description of the symbolism and meaning of this painting was another entry to the Healing the Soul manual. It brought our training weekend to a close with the positive message that the tide is turning and we need to get prepared for the new wave of power, wholeheartedness and loving awareness that's on it's way.

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To become one of the next wave of Soul Journey Practitioners, sign up for the Touch for Health 1 weekend on 28th/29th January 2012. Call Corrina on 01733 555 133 or e-mail Booking deposit £60 (non-refundable).

How Does Your Money Reflect Your Soul?

In the Newsletter posted out to my current clients last week, I wrote about the value of money. I reflected on the times when money robs us of our joy and diminishes our true self, such as working for money at something you don't enjoy and may even struggle with in some way. I've recently re-read 'The Money or Your Life' by John Clark, which I first read in 2000 when I was employed in the financial services industry. He writes about leaving behind the angst of working for money in a job or profession that leaves you exhausted, miserable or anxious. He recommends aiming for bliss by shifting your focus into the domain of  interests and activities that you really love and little by little moving into this domain as your place of work. Reading it now, having made that transition into the domain of helping people to develop their true, healthier self, I see how our finances reflect our soul and that the clue is in our body. In recent weeks, I've worked with several craniosacral therapy clients who are working on generating more income. Because I work at the soul energy level, I look for the answers in their mind/body connections, to see how their flow of financial affluence can be increased at the central organising point of the body/mind manifestation. Some examples of blockages to affluence were: a wall of tension at the front of the body, caused by an abusive ex-spouse; hardness in the lower back, caused by 'back stabbing' gossip by a previous employer; and abdominal pain rooted in childhood neglect. Using verbal dialogue and following the visions I was receiving in each of these cases, the hands-on work safely released the embodied blockages. In each of the examples above, there was a specific way forward into greater affluence: realising their current partner wasn't trying to take from them financially; self-employment was a calculated, manageable risk worth taking; and having time at home to completely relax is essential not time-wasting. Each client left refreshed, with their next steps towards affluence clearly identified. Lack of money, fear of spending or tensions between people over finances, all reflect a wounding in your soul. Pathway Balancing craniosacral therapy addresses issues that help your soul, mind, emotions, body systems and finances to flow in a healthier alignment, dissolving blockages.

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Call Corrina on 01733 555 133 or e-mail for soul therapy as an individual or to book onto the 14th January's Soul Journey workshop.

Are You Giving Too Much?

I've often heard phrases like 'It is better to give than to receive' but I also believe you cannot give something you haven't yet received for yourself. There are seasons for all things and it is necessary to have seasons of receiving and replenishing before you can give from a place of abundance and overflow. An unhealthy pattern of giving is when our giving comes from a place of need or a focus on lack. We may have grown up in a family where there was a lot of insecurity amongst the adults we grew up with. Our elders may have been incessantly pulling for our attention, yet given little real interest to our wants, likes or dislikes. Such roots produce unstable fruits in our later life, such as self-criticism, low self-esteem, working ourselves to exhaustion, making less money than we could or trying too hard in a close relationship. It is time to refill and to then give appropriately. The autumn and winter seasons are natural times to draw in and rebuild our base energy levels. It's a time to enrich the soil and cut back overgrowth to allow in more light. Maybe your feel you can't give anymore than you have already? Perhaps there's more you need to receive at the moment? At such times, the best things to give are time and space. Let other people be for a while. Draw in and keep warm, giving yourself nice things to eat or drink. Get organised and plan ahead, making sure you will be well resourced for the coming year. For me, this week it's my monthly craniosacral therapy appointment - bliss! As I look out of my office window, the tree outside may have dropped all its leaves, but when I look closer I can see the new buds that are already formed in preparation for next spring.

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Create times for planned nurturing, as an individual or in a small group, with an appointment for therapy or by booking a workshop day or training weekend. Call Corrina on 01733 555 133 or e-mail

PBK 5 'Building a New Life'

Last weekend (19/20 Nov '11) I gave a 1:1 training for kinesiology in the diploma course, PBK 5 'Building a New Life'. This unit completes the practitioner's training for balancing clients at the Individual Level 1 of the Pathway Balancing Journey. We work through the material for Gateways 9 & 10 and techniques for health in the mental, emotional & environmental realms of natural healing. As we carry out practise sessions and demonstrations, new insights are usually revealed and new material is created for the Pathway Balancing system. This weekend was no exception, with wonderful spiritual 'downloads' coming through that brought definite physical healing. Building a new life requires a sound foundation and the energies this weekend focused on the body and the home. We needed to shift alot of things around in the training room & the house to get the vibrational atmosphere just right - crystals, pictures, meditation cards, music & lowering the blinds after sunset. Then more Layers of information were revealed in the highest stage of the PBK Journey - 'The Completion of the Journey of The Soul'. These related to the soul's embodiment at the time of conception and were absolutely mind-blowing! The healing centred around release of toxins and tensions held in the fascia of the body. Over the course of the weekend we used the techniques of 'Navel Balancing', 'Mind in Conflict' and 'Energy Regression' as the key ways to restore energy and clarity. These techniques, combined with the environmental vibrations & revelations of the conception embodiment process, gave clear & explicit directions for the way ahead into January 2012. The sense of awe that I have for this work never diminishes.

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If you have a kinesiology certificate at Touch for Health 2 or above, you can join the next course at PBK1 in Peterborough, Cambs. Closing date for deposits 2nd March 2012. Call Corrina on 01733 555 133 or e-mail

Control or Surrender

Last week was a breakthrough period in the practice and my own personal development. It was the busiest week I've had in a couple of years, with the highest number of appointments in a week. I was also up before 5.30am on three mornings, to attend 6.30am Prayer Meetings at KingsGate, followed by breakfast with friends at cafes around the city. I still had the energy to go to Bannatyne's gym too. This has broken my fear of nervous exhaustion or burnout - old patterns that have held me back in the past. This fresh energy and new confidence is the fruit of many years of spiritual development, monthly sessions of kinesiology and craniosacral therapy, quarterly mentoring and annual training updates. It confirms that my passion for helping people to overcome their own fears and achieve a breakthrough is based on proven pathways to freedom. A key issue for releasing more energy into fruitful and enjoyable daily living has emerged from the work at the practice this week. This key issue is control versus surrender. One of the ways we might deal with our feelings of insecurity is by trying to control our circumstances - either by our actions or by thinking ahead all the time. Because controlling thoughts, imaginings, fantasies or criticisms happen silently in our heads we think they are harmless. However, they can be absolutely exhausting. The brain burns up huge amounts of water and proteins with constant mental chatter. The various scenarios and analysis produce physical, interconnected neural pathways that clutter up the brain.

The need for control can be most damaging when it comes to our relationships. Many of us carry an unconscious script that says 'control or be controlled'. We may unintentionally try to control others by insisting they do things the way we would do them, or stick to routines or habits that seem correct to us. The opposite trap is to give away our power to another adult, hoping we will have peace if we don't 'upset' them. The tension of 'walking on egg shells' or constantly ignoring our own needs slowly drains the life force out of us or causes emotional eruptions when we can contain ourselves no longer. A healthy way to break the control cycle is by surrendering into the truth. This is a skill that takes practice and may need alot of support initially. Surrender is about softening into the flow of life. This ability transforms a life from helpless victimhood into power and security. Surrendering into divine providence is a huge relief from having to be in control all the time.

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Soul Journey Day - October 2011

Our group theme that emerged as the Day opened was loss of relationship - through bereavement, miscarriage, divorce or lost connection to the source of life. These soul wounds can manifest in all sorts of ways - wearing dark coloured clothes, becoming anxious, feeling ill with 'flu-like symptoms, exhaustion, and reacting from the head rather than responding from the heart. We needed to have compassion for the human limitations of ourselves and others. We took our morning break, then, as the healing work began, we started getting answers to questions from the morning's process. The group was working at the cutting edge of new vibrational energies emerging in today's collective consciousness and resonated  with acceptance, forgiveness and a harmonious life-view. We were letting go of agenda's about right or wrong and looking for ways to resolve issues and find a way forward in each situation. There was work to be done after the lunch break! Our journey up the Pathway Balancing mountain stopped at Level 2 'The Community' and we were stuck outside Gateway 15 'Belief in Ones Self'. This blockage was caused by damage to self esteem when we intend to get things right in our relationships but get it wrong & the relationship ends. We needed to accept that it's normal for things to go wrong in this world, forgive ourselves & have the humility to know we're not God! When we do our best to learn & create something good, worthiness increases & relationships can flow. After a well-earned afternoon break, we started to gather the wisdom of the Day to take back home. We realised that overcoming resistance strengthens us & lays down 'mother-of-pearl' layers in our soul that make us unique & beyond price. There are angels guarding & helping us. With them, we can create a spiritual atmosphere of peace, joy, warmth & welcome over our lives, homes & neighbourhoods.

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Next Soul Journey Day: Saturday 14th January 2012. Deposit £20 to secure your place. Call Corrina on: 01733 555 133 or e-mail:

Embodying Joy

In recent weeks, there has been a clear trend in the craniosacral therapy work at Pathway Balancing. This trend has been among craniosacral therapy clients who have been having regular sessions for between four and six years. It is a picture of a journey that started with painful, difficult to alleviate, symptoms, then passed through the dark, threatening uncertainty of the root causes of the problems, and is now emerging into the almost unbelievable truth that the old enemy is now fading away, back into the ever more distant past. It really is true that the person is free, that life is really about enjoying the people, the work, the renewed energy and growing prosperity that are appearing all around. The hands-on treatment and self-care work are now about embodying joy and the process of clearing the tiredness and symptoms of the past toxic lifestyle. Do you need to recover your joy? The joy of being alive is the natural state we were created to experience. We were made to live in relationship with one another and our divine creator. Once you know you are loved, there is more courage & strength available to you to wait for more of the good things in life to come. When you know that you are supported, you can stand firm on your principles and refuse to compromise on your values. When you know what a good relationship looks like & feels like, you are empowered to be open and available for a heart-based intimate relationship with someone who is real, not ideal. In craniosacral terms, your body systems can now flow, be open and enable you to stand up with a graceful alignment. You are ready, physically & emotionally, to let your light shine and express your true self. The message to the world is 'Here I am - love me or leave me - but I'm enjoying every minute, every deep, rich experience, of a life lived to the full'. Your body expresses the victory of a life that has overcome obstacles. You are  a person that chooses to build a community based on the highest and richest of values. Your process is now about embodying joy.

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The Soul's Template

It's been a busy time with new clients coming after the very successful Mind, Body, Soul event last week. These highly aware individuals are bringing new insights to the work of Pathway Balancing, with new Directions and Steps being formed in the material as  each person transcends the problems that have held them back from reaching their soul's dream destination. The issue of relationships between a man and a woman has been at the heart of much of the work this past week. The need for intimacy, companionship and shared endeavours in a commited relationship is often a deeply held desire and yet so often seems unatainable. One of the ways to address this issue is by working at the stage of 'The Soul's Template' - one of the highest Transcendent Levels in the Pathway Balancing Journey. Here's an example of how this might unfold in a healing way. In the Pathway Balancing Journey, it is believed the soul comes into embodiment by first connecting with the energy fields of its biological mother and father. These two people carry all the gems the soul needs in their DNA, but also carry the ancestral dross of the past generations in this fallen world. The souls destiny involves a process of refining out the pure gold of the parents and ejecting the unwanted qualities and material. The pattern imprinted on the soul will have profound effects on future adult male/female relationships. By applying the Pathway Balancing Healing methods at this stage of the Journey, many unhelpful patterns from the past can begin to dissolve.

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Find support for resolving relationship issues by joining us on the next Soul Journey Day. Call Corrina on 01733 555 133 or e-mail

Wasn't it a Great Weekend at Mind Body Soul?!!

Hi everyone - especially to new visitors that met us at Peterborough's Mind Body Soul event at the East of England Showground this weekend. Sue, Jolene & I had an absolutely wonderful time and the event was a success on every level, exceeding our highest expectations! Thanks for doing such a great job as organisers Richard & Hannah & we'll be booking with you again for the 22nd/23rd September 2012 event - which I can see being even bigger & better yet! There were 36 people at our talk & demonstration on Sunday afternoon and we could sense the harmony and open-heartedness of the group. It was a pleasure to spend one to one time with so many of those people at our stand afterwards too. Sue, Jolene & I were so busy both days, giving mini-sessions and answering questions for our other visitors. So what was the theme that emerged from the collective consciousness of these highly aware & sensitive souls that gathered together with us over the two days? It can be best summarised by the fact that lots of people went to the highest levels of the Pathway Balancing Journey in great joy & also that many others released their deepest hurts & pain as we sat by their side & listened. One person reached the highest of the 3 Transcendent Levels  - 'The Journey of the Soul' which opens with the line 'A turning point is reached when a soul's journey is all about love.' This was the case for another person who was in great distress but, with our stress release & grounding methods, was able to break through to Gateway 1 'Trackways of the Soul'. This is a black gate, formed with spirals & diamonds. As the life force coursed back into this person's body, the vision was that they were now running to escape out of the deep black pit they had been in. It was collapsing behind them, gone for ever, with no way back. In this vision they ran clutching handfuls of diamonds & gold taken from the mine of life experience behind them. The way forward now is to spend time with other people who share this rich experience of having mined the deepest dark depths of their soul to come up shining with the light & sparkle of refined gold & polished diamonds.

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Come & join us again soon, by booking your session of kinesiology, or your place on the next Soul Journey Day or Training Course. Corrina. Call 01733 555 133 or write to

Mind, Body, Soul Weekend

Pathway Balancing will be at the 'Mind, Body, Soul Weekend' 10am to 5pm, Saturday & Sunday 24th & 25th September 2011 at the East of England Showground, Peterborough PE2 6XE. Corrina, Sue & Jolene will be giving short taster sessions of soul energy balancing using Pathway Balancing Kinesiology - £15 for 20mins. Come along & find out more about training as a kinesiologist or Soul Journey Practitioner, plus our Soul Journey Days in Peterborough, Market Deeping & St Neots. Originator and Director of Pathway Balancing, Corrina will be giving a talk and demonstration at 2pm on the Sunday 25th. We look forward to seeing you!

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Discover the Jewel in your Family Dynamics

Having my quarterly supervision session last week helped me to see how the family dynamics of many of my clients are opening up & freeing them to be more of their true selves. The energy field of our biological parents draws our soul towards the patterns of their ancestral bloodlines, which we then embody at our conception. Uncovering these patterns over the course of regular therapy is a journey of discovery. There are sometimes blocks of heavy or dense energies that keep us stuck in old patterns that can manifest in relationship problems, financial difficulties or other ways. Releasing these, with energy balancing methods, allows the jewels of our ancestral inheritance to shine & enrich us at last. We need a safe system that allows us to find that freedom. One of the most effective ways of seeing & dissolving unhelpful family dynamics is in a group setting. Remember that we can never see our own face, only it's reflection. A group setting enables us to see a multifaceted reflection of our soul. When there are safe boundaries in place and a safe system of tracking and healing the wounds of the previous years, we can open our hearts to more of life's richness within our group. We then know how to do this safely once we move back out into the world that we live in.

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To join a one-day retreat group or a training course, call Corrina on 01733 555 133 or e-mail

Assessing the Effects of Your Lifestyle

In craniosacral therapy, the treatment starts with an assessment of the client's resources. Because the treatment works by encouraging the production & flow of cerebrospinal fluid, the practitioner needs to get a sense of how much of this fluid is already present and how well it is flowing through the proper channels. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is produced deep inside the brain and flows out over the surface, around the cranium (skull) and down over the spinal cord. The fluid disperses out along the spinal nerves into the body tissues. So the CSF is closely associated with the healthy functioning of the nervous system. The therapist has a number of ways of assessing this vital fluid as well as other health resources. The two years of training will have developed the practitioner's sensitivity so that hands-on contact will establish how fluid the tissues feel and any pulse or current of movement present. Verbal questions to the client will also identify how the person's nervous system is functioning, as well as visual observations by the practitioner. You will discover, within minutes of starting your session, the effects of your current lifestyle. Recently I have worked with clients who are either in very stressful situations, or are experiencing alot of physical pain. In two cases in particular, I have been pleasantly surprised to discover the internal resources of the person's system are rapidly improving and taking them towards health and recovery much more quickly than was apparent at the start of the appointment. Both people have taken the self-care advice given during the session and are creating a lifestyle that is supporting them into a healthier, happier way of living. Not only are they on the way to recovery, they are emerging strong and able to enjoy a way of life they would not have developed had they not engaged in therapy to overcome their problems.

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To have the effects of your own lifestyle assessed, book an appointment for craniosacral therapy or kinesiology by phoning Corrina on 01733 555 133 or e-mail You may also fill in the on-line Health Analysis for free advice by visiting the Nutrition page of the Pathway Balancing website now.

Weaving Relationships of Pure Gold

I'm coming back down into everyday life again after an amazing weekend working with a Pathway Balancing Kinesiology trainee from Birmingham. I was teaching the material for PBK 2 'Living in Truth & Wholeness' and our work extended the latest manual in the Pathway Balancing Journey series: 'The Journey of the Soul'. This stage in the journey elevates the client's energy and awareness to a level that gives an overview of the soul's embodiment journey. The place we developed further is called 'Weaving the Knowledge into the Fabric of our Dream Life'. Here is a taster of what can be found for those people who reach this level of awareness............ 'We know specifically what to do next to make our dream a reality. The soul now has the power to come home. The pain and hurt of enduring this world's trials and tribulations will refine out the contamination, to be ready, willing and able to rebuild a home that is safe, warm, welcoming and peaceful.' By using the energy balancing techniques taught on this weekend, we were able to clear the ashes of past negative experiences and make specific plans and decisions for building solid gold relationships and future working lives. To experience this journey for yourself, and develop the skills to help others find their dream pathway in life, join the new group starting in Peterborough in October.

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Is Your Life Spiralling Upwards?

The concept of Pathway Balancing is to reverse any downward trend in a person's life and use bodywork techniques with verbal dialogue to restore an upward spiral of healthy personal development. In kinesiology sessions, we use a description of Gateways to track the level of energetic vibration for the person. This week, Gateway 56 (out of 60) came up, called 'Freely Flowing Spirals'. It opens the client to a spiral of energy, spiralling upwards to the Divine and helps with overcoming fears around communication. When we can give and receive freely in our relationships, we enter the free flow of life. This clears issues around being drained by the needs of others and leads to an abundant, satisfying way of living. One way to move your life in a healthier, more fulfilling direction is the viewpoint that pruning, clearing and making a space for growth will release you from the trap of insecurity. It is essential to remove yourself from people that have a toxic, draining effect on you & trust that Divine providence will draw new, more appropriate people to you. Your security needs to be placed in trusting this Divine providence, as you clear away the physical residue or backlog of emotional blockages. Once the process of cleansing & restoration is complete, your new upward spiral of joy will begin.

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Individual Kinesiology appointments are available Monday to Thursday 10am to 6.30pm Call Corrina on 01733 555 133 or e-mail