What Is Kinesiology?

Kinesiology, as a therapy, uses muscle testing to ask the body about the causes of, and treatments for, a client's problems. It began in the USA in the 1970's, originating in the work of chiropractor Dr George Goodheart, and incorporating research and developments in orthopaedics, osteopathy and acupuncture from the 1920's to the 1960's. A kinesiologist is trained in accurate indicator muscle testing - how to apply appropriate pressure to any chosen muscle and assess the response as indicating weak or strong, switched off or switched on, no or yes, negative or positive. With this powerful diagnostic tool, the kinesiologist is able to ask the body about the client's energy and health. A kinesiologist is trained in specific methods of collecting relevant information through accurate muscle testing. Kinesiology training also involves the use of techniques to restore a balanced flow of energy within a person's body - a session of kinesiology is sometimes referred to as 'having a balance'. There are now many different branches and systems of kinesiology being taught around the world and most of these have their foundation in the system called Touch for Health, which was launched in 1973 by chiropractor Dr John Thie. It was in the 1980's that kinesiology began to develop as a therapy in the UK and the basic energy balancing methods were further developed and built on using other natural therapeutic techniques. These more advanced kinesiologies often focused on a specific realm of health and many systems divide these areas of health into four realms, to simplify finding the priority for treatment: physical, nutritional, emotional, electromagnetic. Pathway Balancing Kinesiology began in 1996 and goes far beyond basic energy balancing and the realms of natural therapeutic treatment. The primary focus of Pathway Balancing Kinesiology is the soul and its relationship with divine power. Each person is regarded a soul that came into a body and the body and soul are kept alive and together by the spirit. This soul, or person, came into this world for a purpose and has a unique destiny to fulfil. The secret to that destiny is encoded in the heart. When a soul descends from heaven it becomes partially separated from the divine soul. This sense of separation increases as the soul falls deeper into the denser levels of spiritual darkness over the earth. The pain of this separation is felt as the heart's longing for a return to love, to belonging, to being back home again. The quest is to find the pathway back and for the soul to be shaped and refined along the way. While God has a good plan for our life - a plan to give us joy and peace, to provide for us in abundance, to make us fruitful and fulfilled - we live in a fallen world which is far from perfect. The soul's journey is described in Pathway Balancing as an upward spiraling pathway that leads us to the peak of our soul's potential. The use of muscle testing allows the practitioner to locate your individual level of progress on your soul's journey towards the fulfilment of your destiny. Any areas where you are stuck, experiencing pain, feeling weakness or needing direction for the way forward can be identified by muscle testing. The Pathway Balancing kinesiologist can then apply specific techniques to balance your energy, enable your body to heal better, or address the wounding in your soul that needs to heal. This unique combination of therapy and describing the story of your journey empowers you to move on and sets you free from the past. You become more of your true self and come closer to the truth of the divine power that has given us everything we need for life and the knowledge of God.

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Stop Being Self-Sacrificing in Your Relationships

We all find many ways to cope and adapt when our needs are not being considered by those around us. If our parents were unable to meet our needs as we grew, we often embody unhealthy patterns in our adult life, that can lead to loneliness, lack of fulfilment, disappointment or losses. If our parents lacked the maturity necessary to engage in a fulfilling relationship with us, we commonly learn to dissociate, cut off, disengage and become excessively independent. This dissociation can manifest as living and/or working alone most of the time, engaging in mental chatter and imaginary scenarios, constructing intellectual ideals that attempt to make everything right in the world or escaping into super-spiritual isolation. This dissociation is limited in its capacity to satisfy our hearts longing for real relationship, intimacy, creativity and fruitful exchange with others. In a short space of time, the natural laws of earthly life pull us back towards our emotions, our bodies and our environments. As we feel discomfort, pain or lack, we have a choice - we can cling desperately to our dissociated state or take this opportunity to stop living in our self-absorbed illusions. it's time for something better. The insecure people around us can, sadly, use our genuine needs as a means to control us. We can also get caught in a pattern of trying fix others in the unconscious hope that they will then be capable of meeting our needs too. This can lead us into a destructive, downward spiral of self-sacrificing in our relationships. We give up a valuable part of our self, of our soul, in the hope of gaining something better or warding off something ominous. When we need money, we might stay in a demeaning job far too long, sacrificing our talents, skills and personal development in the hope of surviving after a loss of some kind. When we've been starved of love we can cling desperately to an abusive or cold partner, walking on egg shells, hoping our behaviour will kindle a more caring atitude from them. In personal or professional relationships, we can go on giving too much time, too much attention, too much space or too much of our property until we're exhausted or feel shut down. It's time to stop self-sacrificing and time to begin genuinely receiving and giving. Notice when someone gives you a compliment, a bit of extra time, or a treat that is no loss to them and no cost to you. Notice when it's a pleasure to be with someone & you never really want to go at the end of your time together. Notice when you're delighted that something you have can be passed on or used to help another. Cutting off from your desire for an interesting conversation, physical affection, beautiful surroundings or meaningful activities, cuts you off from your soul and from Divine provision. Your needs matter. Healthy relationships are vital. Your feelings, emotional and physical, can inform you about how well your real, genuine needs are being met. The presence of people around you who are kind, patient, generous, attentive, open, relaxed and considerate is a sign that self-sacrifice is no longer necessary. You are safe to relax, to give and receive as your true self, as you build up one another and enjoy being alive and being together.

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Finding the Way Back into Relationship

Relationships are essential to our life - friendships, an intimate partner, professional connections, membership of an organisation, how we relate to God - the list is endless. Yet relationships can also be so painful that we draw back into isolation to prevent further hurt. Then, after a time, the loneliness, silence, impoverishment can put pressure on us from within, so that we are compelled to reach out again - perhaps tentatively, maybe crashing blindly back in the deep end, or maybe with a veneer or a mask to hide behind. These ebb and flow patterns can take years to go around, or ripple through in minutes, but the key question is: are they producing growth and development or are they compounding an ingrained destructive downward cycle? In the process of conscious embodiment, we will hit the wall that we built up to safeguard us from pain in relationships. The key to finding the way back into relationship is in having the courage to open your heart to the truth. This time it must be in a safe atmosphere, with safe connections. Here are some steps to help you find the way back........ First, remove yourself as far as possible from people who are unsafe to be around - people with repeated or extreme patterns of not keeping appointments or agreements with you, not respecting your personal space or belongings, making remarks that put you down. Secondly, rest in this space and release the backlog of tears, anger, toxicity, exhaustion and mental chatter. Thirdly, begin the process of reconnection apart from people, through the natural world - landscapes, parks and gardens, sunsets, the sea, rivers, woodlands, birds, insects, pets, wild animals. Fourthly, appreciate the creative power that brought all this into being and is sustaining it. Open your heart to this truth and seek a deeper understanding of your part in this whole creation. Finally, when you feel sufficiently restored and connected, begin reconnecting with people again but this time with the wisdom to know that none of them are perfect. Just like you, they have insecurities, past wounds, limited understanding in any situation and limited abilities in some way or another. This time, finding your way back into relationship will involve letting go of your charged emotions before you face the other person, seeking to understand their heart before you reveal your own, being safe because you will only connect with others in mutual respect, being fulfilled because you seek to build up, not tear down, the precious relationships around you.

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For help in processing your past and restoring relational depth and health, book an appointment for therapy by e-mailing info@pathwaybalancing.co.uk. Corrina Kennedy, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, UK

Expansion Dissolves Old Emotional Pain

One of the Directions in the Pathway Balancing Journey is 'Expansion of Relationships with Others' and it's within the energy Gateway 21 called 'Being Open to Divine and Human Love'. Travelling in this Direction is about 'Expanding our boundaries to encompass a wider range of people that support us in different ways.' A time can come we want more within any relationship - personal or professional. Perhaps we want more closeness in a personal relationship or more fruitful output within a professional context, so something has to change to make space for this growth. Our old patterns will be holding us back. An article in the Body & Soul section of The Times on 26th May 2012 says that 'We've got an epidemic of people who are anxious and depressed and medicated - according to NHS figures released last year prescriptions for antidepressants rose by 43 per cent in four years to nearly 23 million a year'. So how do we move beyond the emotional pain and stuckness, into the expanded relationships that we desire? First we have to let go of an old way of doing things, such as being controlling in our relationships. Then we have to allow a new pattern to emerge, such as accepting another persons different way of seeing & doing things. Now the hard part - feeling the old emotional pain that needs to dissolve, like the hurt, disappointment and anxiety when someone fails to do what we expected and hoped for. Next comes the empowerment phase but only if you can go through the emotional pain barrier consciously. Now the control can shift from your relationship to yourself. This time you don't lash out verbally or withdraw into a sulk. After the wave of old emotion subsides, you can wait in a clear space. From this clear space you can seek to understand the heart of the other person, their intentions, their perspective. From here you can discern wisely how much of your own heart you are able to share safely in this relationship. When you each understand one another from the heart, you can rest at the new Viewpoint at the end of this Pathway 'Expansion of boundaries to include another relationship that fulfils an unmet need.'

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To experience the Pathway Balancing Journey to emotional freedom, e-mail info@pathwaybalancing and book an individual session or workshop place. Corrina Kennedy, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, UK.

Living Life on Full Power

Are you firing on all cylinders today? Is your work maximising your personal potential? Has your day been profoundly enjoyable? If can say yes to all these questions, you'll know how it feels to be truly rich, which will include having the resources you need to perpetuate a satisfying lifestyle. Over the last few days, I've been training a group to lead their clients through Gateways 5 & 6 of the Pathway Balancing Journey. The work has had such an awesome effect on each one of us that we agreed these six Gateways alone would be enough to change people's lives in powerful & wonderful ways - yet there are 56 more Gateways to open on the course ahead! So what is the secret to living life on full power? In working with the material for the course we used tools to track back to the point at which the person's soul was squashed and therefore lost it's power to fully manifest the person's potential. We were able to get to the root cause of lost power by finding the 'seed' of a lie that was planted in the person's heart, root it out & dissolve the unhealthy energies it left behind. We can pick up all sorts of false messages along life's path and bury them under layers of unresolved emotional energy. This produces an unhealthy aura that attracts more 'unclean' energies, until the true self becomes dull, heavy & increasingly invisible. Living life on full power happens when we finally clean up our systems and can see, hear and follow Divine guidance for the way ahead. Keep diligently seeking the truth and the truth will set you free. Corrina Kennedy, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire.

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To join our next Diploma training course at the Foundation level, in October 2012, e-mail info@pathwaybalancing.co.uk for a prospectus and application form.

Are You Good Enough?

Why do we drive ourselves to exhaustion so often? Since the 1980's there has been an increasing trend in chronic fatigue, nervous exhaustion, M.E. and post-viral syndrome, with little that can be done to help medically. People with these conditions can rest but never feel refreshed, and no amount of sleep relieves the tiredness. I often work with clients who feel like this and find that craniosacral therapy is blissfully relaxing and delightfully refreshing for their whole system. To fully restore energy levels and prevent a reccurence of symptoms, it is good to get to the root cause and make permanent changes there. So how do we prevent this chronic pattern of exhaustion happening from now on? Exhaustion occurs when we fail to pace ourselves properly. It comes from driving our mind & body with the accelerator full-on, having to grip hard on the steering wheel of our activities and stand hard on the brakes to keep us from crashing. Living like this leads sooner or later to frustration and burn-out, knocking us out of the race altogether, either short or long-term. One of the mind sets that creates this unstable way of life is an underlying belief that we're not good enough. Somewhere in life, we've picked up an incorrect message that says whatever we do, we could be doing it better, or should be doing something else. This can lead us to focus on all the things we haven't done, the incomplete tasks that could leave us open to criticism, the overwhelming sense that the plan for the day ahead is impossible. All this rapid, negative thinking creates neural pathways that 'fur up' our brain, making us foggy-headed and tired. That's why the hands-on work and verbal dialogue of a craniosacral session is so valuable. The improved circulation of cerebrospinal fluid clears & refreshes the brain and spinal cord. Talking through your current challenges can help you to see a different approach to your day. When you understand how awesome your genetic construction was during conception, you see the truth that not only are you good enough, but you are also wonderful, unique and designed for a purpose and a destiny. Corrina Kennedy, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire.

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Book your craniosacral appointment now by e-mailing info@pathwaybalancing.co.uk

Healthy Ways to Clear Shock from Your Body

The body can hold onto the effects of shock for as long as it needs to, in order to cope with a difficult situation. Only when you reach a safe space can this shock be released from nerves, muscles and mind. Shock can come from witnessing a violent event on another or feeling under threat yourself. Emotional shock can result from a revelation by someone close to you that affects the viability of your relationship. The shock can release itself by shaking, shivering, needing the toilet, vomiting or restless sleep. Healthy methods of clearing shock include talking to a professional therapist, making contact with a friend for support, having a bodywork therapy like craniosacral therapy or kinesiology, keeping warm, taking some quiet time for prayer & reflection, or even getting on with your daily activities.

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To book a session of craniosacral therapy, e-mail info@pathwaybalancing.co.uk

Do You Need to Slow Down?

The primary way to deepen into your soul's energy field is by slowing down. Slow down in your car & stay within the legal speed limit, enjoying the view and listening to music. Slow down in your physical movements & notice your posture, allowing your muscles to relax & your body to feel comfortable. Slow down in your mind by stopping the imaginary conversations, the mental constructs of events before they happen, the criticism of yourself & others for not doing something a certain way. Slow down and let your five senses inform you about your soul's energy field. How can you experience the depth and richness of your soul's potential? Look around you right now and take in all that your eyes can see, and take your time to do this more slowly than the initial impulse that arose at first. Then close your eyes for a few moments and pay attention to your internal environment, such as your heart beat, breathing, muscle tension, nervous twitches or fidgeting. Now sit still for a moment & notice the alignment of your pelvis, back, neck & head. Do you need to adjust in any way to bring about a straighter midline? Perhaps you'll need to exercise more to improve your physical core strength. Your soul is a huge energy field of potential and the more of this field that is embodied, the more power and fulfilment you'll have in your life.

I've had a wonderful time this month as a participant on the 6-day residential course with Consciousness Embodiment Trainings on 'Deepening into the Genes & the Synchronistic Field of the Soul'. Then this weekend I taught Pathway Balancing Kinesiology (PBK) as a residential module for the first time, which allowed a slowing down & deepening into the PBK Journey and Healing materials. Another group of students will be here this Friday & Saturday for PBK 2, non-residential, as we work to deepen into wholeness from the soul's perspective. To experience this work for yourself, there is a Soul Journey Day happening on Saturday 9th June and all six places are available for booking now with just £20 as deposit (non-refundable). E-mail info@pathwaybalancing.co.uk now to reserve your place. Corrina Kennedy, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire.

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Looking for Love & Finding Peace

If someone says they're thirsty & would like a glass of water, everyone thinks that's a perfectly healthy response. If a married couple say they'd like to have a baby, most people think that's a totally acceptable wish. But how many times does a single person say they'd like a partner only to be met with comments like "You're not ready yet....", "You need to be happy with & love yourself first....", "The right person will come along when you stop looking...." and other such negating remarks - often from someone already in a relationship or marriage! I believe each person has an encoded pattern in their soul that will signal fulfilment when that pattern is complete - whether that's as simple as a craving for a drink of water or a desire for an intimate, life-long marriage. A tiny minority of people are patterned for the freedom of singleness for life, but around 97% of adults marry. Of this 97%, most want children but many prefer a child-free lifestyle. Our hearts tell us of our deepest desires when we listen and follow the unfolding path that's guided by our heart. Clients and students of Pathway Balancing often want specific answers about the way to move forward on their life path, and relationship issues are a common area that needs healing and guidance. This past week has seen a lot of new material coming through from the Divine source of wisdom that speaks through the Pathway Balancing system, and this information has included guidance for loving relationships. A new soul energy Gateway has now opened in Level 5 - The Dreamweaver: Gateway 41 'Embracing Heart's Desire'.  Working within this Gateway allows us to identify blocks to embracing our heart's desire and to apply energy balancing to resolve the root causes. Where energy has built up into physical pain or pent-up emotions, we can use healing tools to release the flow of energy again - maybe with Aura Soma remedies, crystals, meditation cards or bodywork reflex points. When you are seeking your heart's desire, perhaps looking for love, only you know the thirst or hunger you feel inside. When the energy for love is flowing again, you will begin to discover love all around you. As that love among the people in your world grows, there will come a peace within you that tells you your heart is healed and whole again. As you find that peace & joy again, the moment comes when you look around and see that one special person coming towards you........ the person your heart knows as real love by finding peace & completion in their eyes.  Corrina Kennedy, Peterborough.

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Single or married, relationships are a deep source of fulfilment. For guidance on the way forward in your own desire for intimacy, explore the best path for you today by booking an appointment. Call 01733 555 133 or e-mail info@pathwaybalancing.co.uk

Beauty for Ashes

The Pathway Balancing Kinesiology Diploma training this week continued to deepen the knowledge of soul journeying by adding new material to the 'Healing the Soul' manual. A theme emerged, in the three days of intensive work, that showed a tipping point for the energy of Pathway Balancing - a new phase of growth is beginning. Pathway Balancing is a 'root cause' therapy, meaning we will dig deep in the dirt & darkness if that's the way to find and remove the root cause of symptoms or recurring problems. This means that improvements to wellbeing can become permanent, rather than just short-term symptom relief. Once the root is uncovered & removed, not only has healing occurred but also space has been created for something better to flourish. The tangled roots of a problem or symptom can be thrown aside and reduced to ashes. Once we let go of the ashes, we are free to embrace the beauty of being fully alive. In Chinese Medicine, there is a body system called the 'Three Heater' - the stomach & liver area is the furnace, the lungs are the flue or chimney & the bowels or large intestine is the ash pan. This week's training included methods for working with the hyoid bone to free energy flow in the neck, or 'flue', plus work with the ileocecal valve to open the 'ash pan' and stop holding on to the past. Once such methods clear the last residues of past trauma or loss, the scene is set for new beauty to emerge in life. We used the energy and colours of crystals and flower formulas to set the process in motion. On a beautiful, sunny spring day we saw the healing of the soul move on into unknown territory, trusting in its beauty. Corrina Kennedy, Peterborough

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To join this new phase of emerging energy, book your place on the 'Soul & Spirit' training days, Friday & Saturday 30th & 31st March 2012, by e-mailing info@pathwaybalancing.co.uk today.

Revealing the Real, Secure You Under the Layers

This past week has been a time of seeing the fruits of a long journey towards wholeness, as layers of old, limiting patterns have been dissolving for so many people. In craniosacral therapy, practitioners work with the principle that everyone has a deep, core of health within their system. The aim is to allow that health to permeate through to the surface and beyond, transforming the person's life in the process. I've worked with clients at both ends of the process recently - those that are still stuck and those that are now flowing. I can apply my skills with equal diligence but the person must decide on their response and is the one that must live out the process beyond the therapy room. So what is the key difference between being stuck in old pain & patterns, or moving on into health? Being stuck & remaining in pain is frequently rooted in the need for control & trying to make things go our own way, according to our own plans. However, surrender can be a massive challenge and very difficult to tackle alone. The gentle process of craniosacral therapy allows the body to soften & dissolve embodied layers created by emotional control. This process may require time in order to build trust & not everyone is willing to make that investment. Seeing people who've made that investment, and who are now reaping the rewards of freedom from past pain, reminds me the journey is worth the effort. I'm seeing that rare jewel emerging from the layers - the real, secure person who has come through and made it home to the abundant life that a controlling spirit will never touch. Corrina Kennedy, Peterborough.

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Give yourself the investment of time to heal. Contact us on info@pathwaybalancing.co.uk

Does the Course Have to Be at Weekends?

This weekend was our Touch for Health 2 foundation training and time for the group to look ahead to starting Pathway Balancing - The Journey in March. While everyone was keen to make this transition, there were obstacles that had to be overcome - just as there are on our life journey. My task was to meet the needs of the group and act as their leader on the journey by making it possible to follow me to the next level. What needed to change or how did we all need to be flexible in order to move forward? Touch for Health 2 is all about the flow of energy, identifying patterns of imbalance and resolving blockages to strengthen a healthy, natural balance again. The problem that we needed to resolve was music to my ears! One of the students asked "Does the course have to be at weekends?" Before I could say no, another student said "I'd rather do them in the week, or on Fridays & Saturdays to free up a day off on Sundays". "Woohoo!! Me too!!" I said, dancing round the room. Talking about it more, we realised we were all self-employed or had free time in the week. The old pattern that was blocking us was rooted in former students, and myself, having full or part-time employee positions from Monday to Friday. To allow the course to flow, we changed the dates to Friday 30th & Saturday 31st March 2012 and we'll see how that goes. There is also a pattern of tight cashflow for some in the group and we aim to work on this issue as we move into the Pathway Balancing Journey after the spring equinox. So is there an old thought pattern holding you back from investing in a better future? Do you need to let go of the employee mindset or a 'poor me' attitude? If you ask those important questions today, you will find the way forward to a better reality tomorrow. Corrina Kennedy, Peterborough.

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To join us on our journey towards the first energy Gateways in Pathway Balancing, e-mail info@pathwaybalancing.co.uk today.

Don't Waste Your Energy Giving to Selfish People

It can be a harsh reality to face but sometimes the people you love can be too selfish to waste your time with them. If you have a compassionate heart you can fall into the trap of giving to selfish people in the mistaken belief that you will receive what you need in return. Is there an area in your life where you are giving your best but receiving little or nothing in return? Stop. Look more carefully and you will see the empty pit that your energy is being poured into. It saddens me deeply to see people who are empty, closed off, self-absorbed, self-sabotaging and destructive because they have been deeply wounded in their heart and soul. It is even more heartbreaking to witness someone close to them desperately trying to fill, encourage, engage with or build up such an empty, draining person. Step back. You can't help them. You can't make a difference in their life. You can't do anything more and it's time to say enough is enough. It's time to discover the truth of who you are. In teaching Pathway Balancing this weekend, we opened and explored Gateway 13 'Having a Sense of Yourself as Being Sacred'. Many people go through life without being affirmed as uniquely precious. Perhaps their parents were always too busy, or self-absorbed or wrapped up in relational dramas. Without enough eye-contact, physical touch or a sense of being heard, it's hard for us to know if we really exist, let alone learn to know who we are. But love is always available if we decide it's time to find it. In the Britain of the 1950's and 1960's, the 21st Birthday was traditionally called 'the key of the door' when a son or daughter was considered old enough to be presented with their own front-door key and the freedom to come and go from the familly home. Now they were free to find the love they craved in the wider community. If their parents were selfish, the son or daughter could get away and find a life of their own. Hopefully there would be enough space to heal their invisible, emotional scars. If you see a pattern of selfish relationships in your own life, look for a safe community with enough loving people to go around and stick with it until you are healed. Give to people who give to you. It's time to enjoy the rewards of true love.  Corrina Kennedy, Peterborough.

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Pathway Balancing practitioners are healed to care. To begin safely healing your own wounds from selfishness, contact us for an appointment, training or workshop booking on info@pathwaybalancing.co.uk

Increasing Your Capacity For Success

Lots of people set goals, write down plans for achieving them and set off with the right actions to get the ball rolling. It seems that only a few people continue this process to the point where they achieve the success and fulfilment they were envisioning. I see many people who are talented, gifted and experienced and yet they seem stuck or slow to make the most of life's opportunities. My quest to understand and resolve this stuckness in myself and others led to the development of the systems and methods I now use and teach to others. I wanted to get to the root causes of problems and once there, apply an effective method to resolve those issues in a way that was long lasting. My training in kinesiology gave me a way of hearing what the body was saying through the art of muscle testing. The natural healing methods enabled energy to flow again and the body could get on with being healthy, even while medical or pharmaceutical treatments continued to give support. However, one day I realised this was not enough for me. I had asked about a former colleague who'd been off work with depression and was told "Oh, she's back to her old self again". To my surprise I was shocked. I thought "Why hasn't she been changed by the experience? What's to stop it happening again? She's still stuck in the same unhappy relationship and insecure job." I felt a strong sense that an event as profound as incapacitating depression had the potential to transform a person into living a whole, new, vibrant life, worlds away from the old life and 'old self' that created the depression initially. The person's pathway through life could unfold in a different way, centred around their heart's desires and balanced to stay on track with good health treatments and self care advice. The unhappy experiences of the past could be gradually dissolved and ebb away into useful memories. The new energy could flow more fully, finding and creating space to unfold the person's true colours. By leaving behind your 'old self' and finding a new, truer heartbeat, you are on the pathway to increasing your capacity for success. The space between the setting of goals or plans and the time of their fulfilment, is a place of ebb and flow over time. One day, without having seen it coming, you tearfully realise you've made it.      Corrina Kennedy, Peterborough.

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Come on board, for a voyage to your own personal success story, through the Pathway Balancing therapy, workshops & courses. E-mail info@pathwaybalancing.co.uk

Chronic Fatigue or Exhaustion - Regaining Health

When clients present with any form of repeated exhaustion or recurring, exaggerated fatigue, they have often endured prolonged exposure to situations that were knowingly draining, distressing or impoverished but which they were unable to leave or change for the better. In many cases the client is still in that situation when starting therapy and looking for relief from their chronic exhaustion. These conditions feel like a bottomless need for rest, interrupted by monumental efforts to carry out essential activities. Any bursts of clear energy are quickly used up & followed by burn out again. Clients often see their condition as almost hopeless and medically untreatable, while looking for that one thing that will suddenly and permanently restore them. The path to regaining health is found somewhere in between these two myths. I believe there are two essential keys to unlocking this condition and returning to freedom and vitality on an ongoing basis, both of which are part of the Pathway Balancing philosophy of healing and personal development. The keys are awareness and pacing. The lack or loss of these keys will lead to the onset of fatigue states in the first place, but gaining hold of them can release the upward, spiralling flow of energy and health again. The first key to grasp is a moment by moment awareness of embodied energy: posture, tension, temperature, thirst, hunger, sleepiness, irritability etc. This empowers you to make the best choices in how to nurture and utilise your resources. So if you feel like curling up on the sofa, you can choose to head off there now, or do what you need to in preparation for taking that rest as soon as possible. This is where pacing comes in. Without awareness that energies are flagging, there won't be time to prepare before some form of collapse happens. Exhaustion can come from inner voices that tell us we're not good enough, from feelings of fear or a mental focus on lack. All of these are lies and need to be displaced by contact with the Divine source, often through people who are living in contact with this Divine source and who can support us in finding the truth and the Way to paradise in the land of the living. External support is vital to restoring health when coming out of chronic fatigue or a period of nervous exhaustion. Pathway Balancing craniosacral therapy is relaxing and revitalising & provides a space to talk or to just let go for a while. Our nutritional supplements are imported from the USA and can be taken for strengthening between appointments. If you've been running on adrenaline, 2 x capsules of 'Master Gland' mornings & early evenings, can feed and rebuild adrenal functioning. To keep nerves soothed and stoked with nutrients during the day, take 2 x tablets of 'NutriCalm' at breakfast, lunch & evening meals. To wind down towards better sleep, take 2 capsules of 'Hops & Valerian' between 9pm -10pm.  Plan at least one whole day a month of complete bedrest and/or curling up on sofa. Have an oasis of rest and/or treats scheduled into every day. Most important of all, give yourself that most precious and irreplaceable of commodities - time.       Corrina Kennedy, Peterborough.

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To book an appointment for craniosacral therapy, call 01733 555 133. To order your supplements visit our webshop and browse through the A-Z section.

Balancing Energy to Focus on This Year's Goals

At the start of this new calendar year, new solar year & crescent moon phase, many of us are setting out with fresh determination to make positive changes by the end of 2012. To reach those goals we'll need to direct enough energy and attention into our plans if they are to become our reality. My teaching of Touch for Health 1 this weekend included a very clear demonstration of how we embody a different energy pattern in our muscles when we focus our mind on a set goal. The students then learnt how to set appropriate goals with their future clients, plus effective techniques for clearing and strengthening the persons energy for achieving those goals. And this is only the beginning of the skills and knowledge used by Pathway Balancing kinesiologists! The whole training weekend had an atmosphere of joy and the sense that there was nothing in the way of us making significant breakthroughs in  2012. It was a time of letting go of past limitations, sharing our dreams for a richer life and stepping into this new beginning. The energy work was relaxing and grounding, allowing space for change in a safe sanctuary with like-minded people. The foundation is being laid to give a stable base for growing success as the course, and the year, unfolds.        Corrina Kennedy, Peterborough.

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Touch for Health 2 is on Saturday & Sunday 25th & 26th February 2012. You will need a Touch for Health 1 Certificate, or 1:1 fast-track training at Pathway Balancing, to take part. To join us, reserve your place now by e-mailing info@pathwaybalancing.co.uk

Healing the Soul, Healing the Body

This weekend I was beginning the Level 2 'Community' training for this year's Kinesiology Diploma course & our work & research focused on the two healing manuals, with new material being added to 'Healing the Soul'. Saturday's energy & awareness theme was 'stability' and revealed how emotional overwhelm can cause the soul to partly disembody, resulting in life going off-course, sometimes for many years or even decades. If the soul energy is not fully embodied, we can get stuck in disempowering situations, ending up burnt-out with chronic fatigue or as exhausted victims in abusive personal relationships. Navigation to a healthier place in the community means looking up and focusing on divine guidance, through books, spiritual awareness and caring relationships. As we find greater stability we can move to the next part of the process of healing within 'The Community'. On Sunday the theme of the work was 'stewarding our resources'. As life is getting back on track through the healing work of the Pathway Balancing system we need to carefully nurture our energy by taking supplements, knowing when to rest, taking control of our finances, clarifying our goals and developing the healthier personal & professional relationships around us. One of the powerful tools we used to guide us on the subjects of relationships & professional development was 'The Enlightenment Pack' of teaching cards, created by Chuck Spezzano. The cards that we tested for on the day enabled toxic soul ties to be released and clear, truthful, inspired direction to be revealed. After a weekend  of healing the body and soul, we were empowered to pull together the threads for weaving the dream life by embodying more of our souls energy & enjoying times of healthy, stable relationships.      Corrina Kennedy, Peterborough.

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The next Kinesiology Diploma Course opens to complete beginners with Touch for Health 1 Saturday & Sunday 28th/29th January 2012. E-mail now & pay on the day.

A Day of Soul Retrieval & Cutting Soul Ties

Last Saturday's Soul Journey Day had a different dynamic from previous Days, as we looked out on the start of 2012. Our little group soon settled into a cosy atmosphere, with bright winter sunshine streaming through the south-facing window and everyone snuggled into their tub chairs with soft blankets wrapped around legs. There was a sense of grounding, depth, rootedness and lively curiosity about the way ahead. Our initial group discussion revealed how much each of us had overcome on our personal soul journey to date. There was recognition of the accomplishments of each person and an awareness that much more was yet to come. There was a collective desire to 'get this stuff out there' because we recognised the profound effects that the power of Pathway Balancing had manifested in our own lives and we wanted more people to benefit from this work. As the group embarked in its Soul Journey for the Day, it was apparent that our energies & needs were all positive and good - both as individuals and collectively. We were centred in a sanctuary that held dazzling, priceless pearls of wisdom - a place that would feed us. A guided meditation session showed we had reduced our 'mountains to mounds', discovered a tower of strength and found the way home. This deepened into an exploration of the Conception Journey as the soul comes into embodiment. We opened soul energy Gateway 45 'Stability Produces the Richest of Relationships' and our work intensified into tracking back to earlier times in life that needed energy balancing. There was a session of soul retrieval - bringing back a part of the person that had lost it's sense of vocation in the past, but could now integrate and empower the person to go for their specific dream destination. There was a powerful time of removing soul ties - breaking attachments from a past relationship that was 'infecting' the present with false ideas and feelings, in order to release the truth of the good life in the present and a true sense of self-worth and value. The Day finished with each person having a unique 'To Do List' for nurturing and manifesting their purpose. There was a group balance for all those who are part of Pathway Balancing to keep an open heart and commit to leading Pathway Balancing forward this January. It was a clear and frosty night as everyone stepped out to bring their plans and purpose to fruition.

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Gain the power you need to move forward in your life by starting Touch for Health 1 on 28th/29th January 2012 or our next Soul Journey Day 10th March 2012. E-mail info@pathwaybalancing.co.uk to reserve your place, then send your deposit for booking.

Divine Heart Guidance as the New Year Begins

The basis and centre of our lives will determine the way ahead for us this year and create the outcome of our efforts in 2012. The safest place to be is under the protective wings of the Divine heart. The Pathway Balancing system has been created through Divine guidance, to give answers and healing to those of us that seek God's guidance for the Way ahead. The therapy and training rooms here are the miraculous provision of a loving God and many of you will know the amazing ways this has happened during the past few years. In this sanctuary we have access to grace and guidance that heals our past, gives us comfort, joy and confidence for today, and directs our paths towards our uniquely conceived purpose on earth. This weekend (Saturday 14th January) will be the first Soul Journey Day of 2012 and this is a time of preparation, in the natural and supernatural, for those of us taking part. What are the messages coming from the Divine heart as we draw closer together for the workshop?

A major theme in the practice, as the year starts, is a need for rest, warmth and comfort during these long evenings and dark mornings, to prepare us well for the coming spring. There have also been powerful times of deliverance from destructive attachments and lies from the past, that would have sabotaged the emerging life of abundance and fulfilment ahead. Insecurities have been uprooted that came from erroneous beliefs about not being good enough. Fears, that actually belong to someone else, have been exposed and released. Ancestral patterns of neediness, rescuer mentality and stifled talents have been peacefully dissolved. The new patterns that are now building, ahead of our Soul Journey Day, are ones of greater stability and confidence. This is a time to let go of old strands still stuck to us from the past, a time to draw comfort from our material provisions, to soak in being with people that know and care about us. If we shift our centre to the Divine heart and sink into surrendering to the eternal presence of God, we will receive the support and guidance from above that can take us forward into the best year of our lives so far.

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Just 2 spaces left for this Saturday 14th January. Post your £20 deposit today to reserve your place and e-mail info@pathwaybalancing.co.uk with your details now. Corrina.

How Has This Year Defined you?

My philosophy in working with clients, & in my own personal development, is that healing and growth come from the top down & the inside out. When we lack energy or awareness, life begins to compress us, causing us to contract or draw inwards, creating hardness, rigidity & pain. We may experience a lack of the things we need or desire. We can start to feel defined, or even limited, by our circumstances, events or other people. This is a place of disempowerment and often characterised by blame or complaining. Whenever we notice this happening it is a sign to redirect attention to our available resources and reconnect with power again. We need to call on the higher power of Divine love & provision and be refilled and redefined. As this year draws to a close, we can see how the experiences of the past year have defined us and shaped our life today. The 2011 winter solstice occurs at 5.30am Thurs 22nd December. This is the turning point for the sun's journey on our horizon and the defining moment of the natural year's end. What is coming to an end for you at this time? Can you look back & close the door on any unhealthy relationships, distressing events or self-sabotaging habits? When you've reached your limits in any situation, there may be a moment of fear, frustration or doubt. Stop and recognise that this is an edge that has defined you up to now. It's at the edge of our limits that we can surrender our trust to God. When we do this, the edges soften and as we listen, wait & act on Divine guidance, we can be re-defined and become more of the person we are meant to be. When we fill up with God's Holy Spirit, we are changed from the inside out. When this happens, life around us starts to transform. Whatever way this year has defined us, it is reaching completion as the nation heads into the Christmas holidays. The new beginning is on it's way. Are you ready?

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The Pathway Balancing system helps people to receive Divine guidance for the year ahead - individually or in small groups - to book an appointment, workshop place or for practitioner training call 01733 555 133 or e-mail info@pathwaybalancing.co.uk